Making More And Better Disciples For Jesus Christ

Prayer Music

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Prayer music
Ron Dunn - "Is The Holy Spirit Filling You?"

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M.A.B.D Podcast

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M.A.B.D Podcast

The Crossgate Bible Reading Guide is a 2-year reading journey. No matter where we are in the calendar, you can jump in on the appropriate week and join our community of believers who are daily pursuing an intimate relationship with God.

Crossgate Bible Reading Guide
The H.E.A.R. Method

The H.E.A.R. Bible journaling method promotes reading the Bible with a life-transforming purpose and is intended to be used alongside the Crossgate Bible Reading Guide. For more information on how to complete a H.E.A.R. journal entry, check out this great resource.

The H.E.A.R. Method
Right Now Media

We invite you to explore Right Now Media, an online video streaming service for Christians! You will find entertaining videos for children, gifted teaching videos that will encourage your faith, and much more. And best of all, this service is free using the link below!

Right Now Media