Recharge Spring Schedule

January 15 - May 14  |  Crossgate Campus

3100 East Grand Avenue, Hot Springs, AR, USA

Our Recharge Spring Semester starts on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025, and most of the classes conclude on Wednesday, May 14th. You can register for the class of your choice by clicking on the links below.

Our Recharge activities kick-off each Wednesday evening at 5:00 pm as Wholly Ground offers a dinner special, sandwiches and sides, as well as a yummy dessert and specialty coffee drinks. Click HERE to follow them on Facebook where they weekly update their Wednesday Night menus. Also, their regular Wednesday hours are from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm, so get here early!

Next, we encourage everyone to join us in the Worship Center from 6:00 pm until 6:25 pm for “House of Prayer”. (This is a drop-in event – you can join us anytime for prayer during this time) Click HERE for more information.

Then at 6:30 PM, our regular Wednesday Night activities begin:

Preschool Ministry – (Birth – Pre-K): In our preschool ministry, we are on a mission to help kids discover the truth found in God’s word through center-based learning environments, trusted volunteers, and a solid Bible curriculum! We meet on the main level from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.

Children’s Ministry – (K – 6th grade):  All kindergarten through sixth graders are invited to join us for TeamKID starting Wednesday evening, August 21st! Click HERE for more information. We will meet on the lower level from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Check-in begins at 6:15 pm. (No registration needed)

Student Ministry (7th – 12th Grade) – Our students meet together each Wednesday, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm for exciting worship and time in God’s Word. They meet in the Gym (Main Level). (No registration needed).

The Gospel of Luke – Join Lynn Oswalt on Wednesday evenings for a study of the third gospel, the Gospel of Luke, also commonly known as the Gospel for the Gentiles. Click HERE to register and for more information.

Crossgate Women | The Patriarchs – This is a 9-week study of Genesis 12-36 which reveals our covenant-keeping God through the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Bring your Bible and note taking tools. This class is taught by Lisa Walker. Also, a reminder that each class stands alone so join us whenever you can. Click HERE for more information.

Crossgate Women | Wisdom From The Well – This class is designed to encourage and equip mothers as they navigate the stages of motherhood. Click HERE to register and for more information.

Crossgate Men | BetterMan Study – BetterMan is a men’s study consisting of weekly video or live large-group teachings and small group discussions that provide a clear definition of biblical masculinity. Click HERE to register and for more information.

re:generation | re:generation is a safe place for everyone, where you can experience authenticity and biblical community as you work through 12 steps of healing and freedom. Click HERE to register and for more information.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurs shape culture. As entrepreneurs, we follow in the footsteps of the Original Entrepreneur.  Faith Driven Entrepreneur exists to help shape the entrepreneurs who are shaping our culture to know God and look more like Him. Click HERE to register and for more information.

The Smart Step Family | No two step families are alike, but this class offers clear advice on how to solve the common challenges faced by all who enter a second marriage with children. You will discover a redemptive God who loves, forgives, and provides strength and direction for the journey you and your family are on. Click HERE to register and for more information.

Please contact the Ministries Office if you have any questions or need further information regarding Wednesday night Discipleship ([email protected]).

See you soon as we continue to make more and better disciples!